December 27th, 2016
December 27th, 2016

December 27th, 2016

Dea Friends,

Today, things are quiet and people try to have a ‘normal’ life again.

Everything is ok at JACK: both team and chimps had their Christmas presents and every one was happy on dec. 25th! The keepers were dancing, singing…and the chimps shouted of (over)contentment when seeing the oranges!!! I’m writing an article with many pictures and videos to share these wonderful moments with you but Internet is extremely slow and we have many many power cuts!

But all that Joy and Happiness wouldn’t have taken place if some Angels hadn’t made this Christmas dream come true! JACK again wishes to thank the following Angels who brought so much Joy in the hearts at JACK especially in such times of unrest and turmoil… Marie-Odile Revel-Lescuyer, Emilie Relave, Tania F, Gaie & Bruce F , Valerie Licois, Amy Mayers, Marc H, Dominique K, Louise Bousk Quinn & Chela House.

Thank you all for these wonderful Christmas gifts!

Thank you for them!

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