BABY JULIA gone too soon
BABY JULIA gone too soon

BABY JULIA gone too soon

Many of you have followed the case of the Congolese monkeys taken out of the DRC with improper documents and confiscated in Togo.

Little Julia was one of them, and today we have to announce that she has left us. Remember, Julia’s case was very alarming. She had a bullet hole in the bone of her skull. This exerted pressure on her brain, affecting not only her locomotion but also her sight and hearing; little Julia was blind, deaf and could only move with great difficulty.

Our little Ange passed away in our arms. The burden was too heavy to bear: the death of her mom, the massacre of part of her group, the repeated trips in squalid conditions, the stress, the fear, the lack of food or the tainted and inappropriate food… It was with great sorrow that we accompanied her to her last breath. We guided her on her final journey – Julia was serene and calm as she left. She held our hand to the end…

Bon voyage, little Julia. We miss you already!