KINDU, an unexpected rescue
KINDU, an unexpected rescue

KINDU, an unexpected rescue

Early March 2024,  we heard about a baby chimpanzee being held in the village of Mobiki, not far from Kindu (Maniema province). The information came to us via our partner in the field, Mr MPO Héritier (APPACOL-PRN), who also helped us contact the Maniema provincial environmental authorities to launch the rescue mission.

An inspector from the provincial coordinating office of the Environment set off on a motorcycle to fetch the baby and, after recovering the animal, returned to Kindu, where the baby was taken to the authorities (ICCN) for safekeeping. From there, the next step was taken of finding planes to fly the baby to J.A.C.K. with the appropriate transport documents. All this took time, and as J.A.C.K. could not leave the baby waiting for too long, it did everything in its power, using its own funds, to transfer little Kindu.

Today, the little female has arrived at the sanctuary.

However, fragile, exhausted and injured, Kindu needs care to overcome what she has been through. X-rays have shown multiple fractures as well as 3 12-gauge bullets in the jaw and chest. One bullet is close to the heart and remains a cause for concern, although no organs have yet been hit.


The little female chimpanzee has a long road back to recovery. She has already gained some strength since her arrival, but must be constantly monitored by a surrogate mother to receive all the affection she needs to recover mentally. Kindu is nevertheless fighting every day, and we are convinced that the strength of character that has kept her alive will enable her to overcome most of what most of what she has been through to regain perfect health and one day be able to play in a group of chimpanzees of her own age.

Rehabilitating this orphan will take a long time, but we’re confident of a positive outcome. If you too would like to be part of his reconstruction and contribute to his care, you can do so in one of two ways (donations made in the US are tax deductible by law):

1/ make a single donation of your choice to help KINDU’s rehabilitation . Here are some examples of the current costs we face to assist Kindu daily:

  • balanced food (fruit, vegetable, continuation milk) 20$
  • veterinary care (vitamins, calcium supplement, deworming drugs) 25$
  • support surrogate mother (salary)

2/ sponsor the baby monthly and receive her biography, a personnalised picture as well as montly updates on the progress of  your sponsored friend. Sponsorship fees are as follows

  • 6 month sponsorship (60$)
  • 1 year sponsorship (120$)

Your financial contribution can make a significant difference to the life of this baby chimpanzee. Your donations will enable us to provide the necessary medical care, appropriate nutrition and the right environment to support her recovery and healthy growth.

Before we end, we would like like to thank once again all those who, from near or far, helped save this innocent life that didn’t ask to be there.

Thank you for KINDU!