Bihati’s health is deteriorating
Bihati’s health is deteriorating

Bihati’s health is deteriorating

Sorry, not much time to update as life has been too hectic here with Bihati, the sick chimpanzee. Yes, her health is deteriorating day by day. We managed to get some ultrasound scan, x-ray and other analyses. Because her haemoglobine was too low, it was suggested to transfuse Bihati. However, not having the equipment nor the means, we opted for a shock treatment (plasma substitute). Today, Bihati is weak, has eaten and drunk little. We pray she’ll be beter soon. We are now focused on what is causing such pain to her as we want to give her the appropriated treatment.

We will keep you posted. Meanwhile, keep Bihati, please, in your prayers and send her all your positive thoughts. JACK does its best but finances are extremely tight especially sinceour country is struck by drastic economic recession and political unrest. You can help JACK via following link:

Many thanks in advance for your prayers and thoughts! A huge THANK YOU to our volunteer vet Jean Claude for his hard work and professionalism. Thank you also to Doctor Marc who did the ultrasounds yesterday. Also many, many thanks to two vets who have been constantly in touch with us from abroad and who have been of good help and advice: Kel (Australia) and Katja (South Africa).


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