Dear Friends,
Two best friends of J.A.C.K., Sébastien and Mathilde, have created their own charity named Association Chimère which promotes vegetarianism, reports on living conditions of animals and which also helps NGO’s protecting wildlife.

End of last February, the movie « Chimpanzee » came out in France and our friends created a special event named « Amène J.A.C.K. au cinéma » (« Bring J.A.C.K. to the cinema »). They therefore asked a cinema manager in Caluire (not far from Lyon) if she would agree their charity had an information stand at the entrance of the cinema to catch the attention of visitors, to talk about J.A.C.K. in the DRC and to make people aware of the danger of extinction Great Apes are facing today…
Sébastien and Mathilde had organised posters, pictures of our boarders and they also had cooked vegetarian treats. Some members of their charity assisted them during this particular 2-day-event totally dedicated to the Cause of Great Apes.
Their efforts has resulted in donations (an average of 140 Euros was reached!!!) and some more money is being donated as Association Chimère has mentioned on its websites that people could still send their movie ticket to Chimère’s postal address with a donation that will be send to J.A.C.K. Sanctuary in the DRC.
We are very grateful to Sébastien, Mathilde, the Chimère members and team for their wonderful action and for their wish to help the 38 orphans we are taking care of here in Lubumbashi. We are proud of what they do and do encourage them to continue the great work!
Thank you to all the people who have donated and many thanks also to the person in charge of the Caluire Cinema: without her interest this event wouldn’t have taken place! Merci beaucoup Madame pour avoir permis à Mathilde et à Sébastien de mener à bien cet évènement très particulier qui nous aide énormément!