Last April, 2 great volunteer Friends of J.A.C.K., Manon et Lyna, came from Europe to help out during J.A.C.K. 2017 Health Checks. A 3rd person was meant to fly over, Dr Ainare Idoiaga, a Spanish vet but she never rea hed Lubumbashi since she didn’t get her visa to enter our coutry… So, our team made of our DRC vet Dr Jean Claude Binemo, de 2 girls and myself had to work without her and the 2 chimps who urgently needed surgery didn’t get any…

After weeks (months????) of waiting, the Spanish vet F I N A L L Y got her DRC visa and the best time for her to fly to J.A.C.K. was in September. On the 2nd more precisely. Yes, she arrived…. yesterday! And Ainare isn’t the only special guest currently at J.A.C.K : the manager of LWIRO Sanctuary (DRC), Mrs Itsaso, also arrived yesterday for her 1s visit at J.A.C.K. !!

Well, now the vet has arrived, it also means serious vet work (and stress for me!) is on the agenda for the coming week : Monday and Tuesday the 2 important surgeries will take place and more important things will have to be done before Ainare’s departure on the 9th . I’ll update then. So far, let’s enjoy the visit of our Spanish Friends…
Talk back soon