

Two weeks ago, our sanctuary launched an appeal: we were asking if one of the local companies could have an empty truck driving from a city called Fungurume to our place in Lubumbashi (about 200 kms) since a farm was offering plenty of hay we need for the beddings of the chimps. It is still quite cold at night. The chimps need dry grass to build their nests and this precious hay helps us prevent flu!

No-one replied to our request. There are so many companies here in Lubumbashi, so many trucks daily on the roads, but no one answered. We had only one person promising to give a hand. But, as usual, nothing came out of these promises… Very sad, isn’t it? It’s obvious people won’t help if they don’t have any  financial interest … this is Lubumbashi mentality. Not to mention that chimps are animals and that people don’t care at all about animals…

So, I had to find a way to have the donation of hay in Lubumbashi. With my brother (who is the owner of the dry grass) we found a truck from one of our companies (my family has been doing its best to participate to the development of the country since 1898) and the hay got transported by our own means from the farm to the sanctuary.

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5 huge big bags of hay were delivered at J.A.C.K. earlier last week which is excellent news! Beddings are changed every day and the chimps love to build large nests at night. The 5 bags will last about 2 or 3 weeks. Other hay will have to be transported to J.A.C.K.; my brother says he still has about 30  big bags ready for the chimps!

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Again I wish to thank my brother Walter for the hay and I also want to thank some people of our company, Richard & Lucien, who helped us make this transport possible!

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Merci à vous tous de votre aide !


Roxane/ J.A.C.K.

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