To date, five transfers have taken place and a huge number of primates have arrived at J.A.C.K. in 2023 which raised the issue of a lack of space. 40 newly rescued primates had to be accommodated at our Founders’ private home to provide them with the best care.

Since, Lubumbashi is actually situated at an altitude of over 1400 meters and has two seasons: summer (November to April) and winter (May to October), a warm place adapted to the needs of all these newcomers was therefore vital to welcome and house these orphans in the best possible way and to relieve the congestion of the private home of our Founders. Thanks to the contribution of a generous grant of the ANIMAL WELFARE INSTITUTE (AWI), J.A.C.K. has been able to carry some of the necessary developments of a Nursery building (masonry, painting & welding works).
The building project isn’t finished yet.Our team of artisans will hopefully complete the work in the coming weeks to give newcomers the chance to be housed and cared for in the best possible way at the sanctuary. We’d like to thank the Management of the ANIMAL WELFARE INSTITUTE, its Team and Donors for their priceless support!