Dear Friends,
It seems we don’t have much luck…
Our green garden looks terrible 🙁
Yes, because we refuse to use any chemicals, little insects do love to stay in our green house thus giving us a real nightmare. Most of the crops have been ruined despite our constant work and attention. Tomatoes have suffered the most as invaded by extremely little bugs preventing the plant from reaching maturity…

Rains have now started and the only things growing these days are maize, aubergines, carots and lettuce. We manage to harvest 10 kgs/day of fresh lettuce, which is nothing compared to what was expected!!! Since J.A.C.K. needs about 120kg of foot/day, and because the green house isn’t producing much, we must buy on the local markets and beg more rejects (vegetable that farms can’t sell because of shape) from local farms.
Let’s cross our fingers things will be better soon and that we’ll be able to get more fresh vegetables from our garden!!
Roxane/ J.A.C.K.