Medecines collected for J.A.C.K.
Medecines collected for J.A.C.K.

Medecines collected for J.A.C.K.

Hi Everyone,

Two French friends of J.A.C.K., Carole and Emilie, have done all their best to collect funds in order to buy medecines for our little sanctuary.  The two girls have done a wonderful job going from friends to friends. Emilie even went to a neighbouring Chemist’s  asking to donate drugs for chimpanzees of a DRC sanctuary…

Carole managed to send J.A.C.K. all the items you see on the picture below. These were bought thanks to the generosity of  Emilie B., Jacqueline B., Christophe B., Peggy J., Marion G., Hervé M., Alexandrine P., Carine A., Karim M., Romain R., Sébastien M. and his grand mother, Martine G., Hakim B., Germaine L., Maxime L., Estelle L., and Carole V.

medecines bought thanks to the generosity of Carole's friends & family
medecines bought thanks to the generosity of Carole's friends & family

On her side, Emilie managed to have plenty of bandages and of medecines thanks to her Chemist’s, la Pharmacie SOUILLAC located in Boên, and to one of her friends, Bernard

donation of Pharmacie Souillac collected by Emilie
donation of Pharmacie Souillac collected by Emilie

J.A.C.K. orphans wish to thank Emilie, Carole and all their friends for their precious help! We need people like them with such great heart to provide the chimps the best! THANK YOU ALL for the chimps!

Les orphelins de J.A.C.K. tiennent à remercier Emilie, Carole et tous leurs Amis pour leur soutien précieux. Grâce à des personnes au bon coeur comme vous, nous arrivons à donner tout ce qu’il y a de meilleur à ces créatures qui n’ont pas demandé à être là mais dont la destinée a été modifiée à cause de la cupidité humaine!!! thank you !

Merci à vous TOUS pour EUX! Sachez que votre générosité est plus qu’appréciée!!!


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