Times are indeed extremelly challenging for us these days at J.A.C.K. As you know, the sanctuary has been at maximum capacity with the number of chimps that we can house and with which we can provide adequate care. However, recent events have resulted in 2 new confiscated arrivals at J.A.C.K… Lynn and Luna. Both orphans are staying at our house as the quarantine facilities are too cold.
Lynn is a female, approximately 3 years old who arrived over a month ago.
She is adjusting well as she is confident and used to being around humans. Lynn was meant to transit a few days at J.A.C.K. as she had to be flown to another DRC sanctuary, but things turned out differently….
She has nowhere else to go so she will be moving to quarantine when the weather is milder.
We will then introduce her to the nursery group as she needs to be with others of her own kind.
Luna is only about 6 months old. She came to us only two weeks ago and was very wild being newly orphaned.

She was running a fever, unable to walk and would not drink.

Luna has been seen by our vet and is receiving the intensive care she needs. She requires humidifier treatments to help her breathe easier while we treat her fever. She is doing slightly better now and is asking for food although she won’t drink milk.

But it is not only her physical well being that is of great concern. Luna has clearly been traumatized by the experience of witnessing the slaughter of her mother and family members. Even in her sleep, she will shake and grimace from the nightmares. We keep her physically and emotionally close to our hearts to not only keep her warm but to make her feel the safety and comfort that only a mother can provide. It breaks our hearts to see such a tiny infant so traumatized but we remain strong and resolute in our efforts to save her. She recently began asking for hugs which we give freely and it gives our hearts hope for baby Luna.
In addition to the recent flu and new arrivals, we must care for the chimps under very difficult conditions and with no assistance from the government. We have had some resources to build enclosures for the growing orphans (Fondation Brigitte Bardot and the Sweden Chimpanzee Trust) and to develop our education program (IPPL USA) and we are deeply grateful to them for their support. But we are short in resources for feeding and caring for the 39 chimps to whom we are deeply committed.
Unfortunately, Luna and Lynn are the last orphans we can accept as we don’t have the resources to care for any more. It breaks our hearts as we know the next orphan will likely die but we cannot sacrifice the ones already in care.
We are asking from our hearts any help you can provide. We are also asking for your prayers. Please pray the day will soon come we won’t have to refuse any more orphans who need a new, loving family.
Make a donation. Even 1 USD. THEY NEED YOU !
Thank you for being with us and loving them as we do.
Franck and Roxane/J.A.C.K.
Ping :Lynn ready for transfer !!! – J.A.C.K.
I feel so down after reading about little Luna:(
Well, I couldn’t set up a monthly donation, so I did a one-time donation instead. Is a monthly donation possible?
Starting a monthly donation today. Thank you for all you do.
I have responded with a donation because you always care for these our fellow brothers and sisters on this planet!
I’m trying to make a donation but paypal is doing maintenance. I will send some money in the morning (US time). Thank you, again, for being there for the orphans…
Dear Roxanne and Franck
Please let us know what we can bring with when we arrive on 29th, give us list of all your needs. Once with you we will discuss how we can assist in building further facilities for these precious ones, together we will make sure no-one will be turned away from Jack. Just send us list for our arrival, when we are together we will discuss the rest. Don’t lose hope, you will not be alone in this. God Bless – Su