Thank you again, Zoo de La Palmyre!
Thank you again, Zoo de La Palmyre!

Thank you again, Zoo de La Palmyre!

As recently mentioned, a new open air playground has just been inaugurated at J.A.C.K. for our 18 residents of the Nursery group. Since our orphans are turning into teenagers, it is important our sanctuary develops new facilities for the well being of its hairy ‘kids’.

Developments indeed can’t take place without the generosity of J.A.C.K. partners and/or sponsors.

The Zoo of La Palmyre is  located on the Western coast of France and it has sponsored our sanctuary for the last 9 years… Its wonderful support of 2016 helped J.A.C.K. buy the so needed equipment to set up the wired fence of the new playground.

Our residents really enjoy their new facility and we are all happy to see them inaugurating their new territory!

Many thanks again, Zoo de La Palmyre, for your interest and also for your wish to be part of our action!

Thank YOU for THEM!


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