Dear All,
Rainy season started now about a month ago and there has been so much rainfall for the last weeks that the annual runny noses started too!

The flu outbreak began in the main group with Joma and Wanza. They first sneezed, coughed and although we immediately isolated them, other group members got sick shortly after…

Then,despite all the strict sanitary measures taken (wearing masks, disinfecting hands and boots, sometimes changing uniforms) the second group became sick too. We believe it is mainly because Tika prevented youngsters to enter the night facilities. Tika, the ‘boss’ of the infant group, decided young ones of his group were not allowed to enter the inside quarters and chased Tommy, Ekolo, Luna and Rosie . That day, it was raining cats and dogs… The four little ones were stuck in the pouring rain, shaking with fear because of the lightning and trying to hide from the rain in the high grass of the outside facility. Eddy and myself ran to fetch them and although we had towels and blankets to keep them warm, they fell sick a few days later…

These days,it’s raining so much that the chimps have to be kept indoors most of the time, which isn’t funny at all…

Today, flu seems to be under control. Some donations received in the previous weeks helped us a lot! So, therefore, I again wish to thank Franck G. for the FERVEX powder . Merci encore, Franck!!!

Thanks also to Lucette P. who regularly sends us drugs, pediatric material, etc. Her antibiotics were all used last week, which helped us a lot since a 60ml bottle of Augmentin costs a bit more then 10 USD here… You can find cheap medication but mainly from Chinese or Indian origin. We are not sure these cure properly and that’s why we rather pay drugs from Europe which are much more expensive!

The different groups aren’t coughing nor sneezing any more and we cross our fingers flu will be finished very soon. It is always very stressful moment…
I’ll keep you updated,