Developments of the satellite cages thanks to Pro Wildlife
Developments of the satellite cages thanks to Pro Wildlife

Developments of the satellite cages thanks to Pro Wildlife

A few weeks ago, we showed you the construction of the 4 huge satellite cages J.A.C.K. managed to build thanks to the OLSEN ANIMAL TRUST. 

However, some inside developments were needed to help our new residents  get their muscles, their strength and balance back after their long stay in Zimbabwe. Therefore, and thanks to the amazing support of PRO WILDLIFE, J.A.C.K. built platforms, nests, added feeders & drinkers as well as long bars all over the 4 different facilities.

These developments required a lot of accuracy and were custom build thanks to George and his team of artisan welders at J.A.C.K. The final result of all that hard work is amazing and very appreciated by the primates!

Dear Pro Wildlife team and Donors, J.A.C.K. would like to thank you again and again for caring so much about its residents! These little survivors are lucky they have you helping them so much!

Thank YOU all for THEM!