Golden bellies LOVE termites!
Golden bellies LOVE termites!

Golden bellies LOVE termites!

The golden bellied Mangabeys (Cercocebus chrysogaster) are unique primates solely living in the DRC tropical rainforests. They are nomadic and social creatures living in groups ranging from  to 30 individuals. Golden-bellied mangabeys are easily distinguished from related species by an orange fur coloring on their anterior side. Their posterior sides are commonly brown, black, white, or gray, or a combination of those colors of fur. They have long tails.

Last February, J.A.C.K. repatriated 11 of them from Zimbabwe. They all live together at the sanctuary and, thanks to great partners/donors, J.A.C.K. managed to build them appropriate facilities.

Golden-bellied mangabeys are  frugivores, granivores, nectarivores and insectvores. One of their favorite treats are seeds and…termites! As enrichment, we regularly provide them with old branches and truncs containing termites.