Hi Everyone,
I’m sure most of you do still remember these two little babies JACK rescued last year in November. We called them ‘the TWINS’ as they were nearly the same age/size and had been rescued from the same place.
Bapuis the female. She’s the one who was dying. Today, Bapu is full of life, very stubborn and playful.

Bapu gets on well with all the other members of the infant group and has gained in size and …weight! We feel very lucky because this little girl had really decided not to live any more and had lost trust in any human….
Both Bapu and her friend Pundu were introduced to the infant group last March and they have settled in well and very fast.
Punduis the male. He’s got a very strong personality and is the second male of the group (after Kimo).

Despite his young age, Pundu very often shows authority and dominance over the infant group and doesn’t hesitate to charge older and bigger infant chimps when these try to use their strength over very young ones…
Pundu is short in size but has an amazing strength! He very often stays in a tree or at places where he’s a bit higher than the group as to keep an eye on it….
These two little ones gave us many sleepless nights and we are now happy to see them progress so well in this group!
Well done little ones!
Love you Bapu & Pundu!
I love that Pundu is a champion for the littler ones. It’s thanks to you all at J.A.C.K. that these babies made it. They needed love and good care and that’s exactly what they got. Thank you!
I remember them, so glad they are growing up fast, as for the little male, I think we have a dominant leader chimp in the making…. He has a certain authority over him; I hope he has the required social knowledge to go with it as he grows up 🙂 All the best,
Ils ont tellement changé tous les deux!
Ils sont magnifiques!
Beaucoup d’attention, beaucoup d’amour, de persévérance et de compétence et voilà le résultat! Félicitations à vous pour leur avoir sauvé la vie et à eux pour s’y être accrochée!
On pense fort à vous!
Wow, what amazing changes in both of these babies! And Pundu is a hoot, all puffed up! Thank you so much for the update.