Thanks to the kindness of our generous sponsors, J.A.C.K. has developped since 2012 the building of 3 additional night rooms for the nursery group.

3 years later, Nursery Project II isn’t totaly finished but the chimpanzee orphans have already been able to enjoy their new night quarters.

In 2015, sponsorship helped us do all the plumbing work, build huges nests, add some stairs to walk accross the tunnel and to open the tunnel. Also, a huge concrete slab has been set in front of the night quarters to drain water (rain, cleaning water).

These developments were necessary: the orphans of the nursery group are getting bigger, stronger and need more space! Also, these new night facilities keep the very youngest babies safe from the wind, the cold and the rain ….

Still more developments are needed to complete the Nursery project II as J.A.C.K. now must focus on the open air playground: fix electrical fences, put solar pannels & batteries, add 2 more jungle gyms….
Constructions of 2015 have been done thanks to the trust and the support of our great donors only: FONDATION BRIGITTE BARDOT, the SWEDEN CHIMPANZEE TRUST, IPPL, , the ZOO of la PALMYRE and . Again we at J.A.C.K. are grateful for their precious help as without their generosity, J.A.C.K. can’t give these orphans the difference!
Thank YOU all for THEM !
De tout coeur, pour EUX,MERCI !
I hope the funding and this great work contine into the future:)