Thank You Matilde and Sébastien
Thank You Matilde and Sébastien

Thank You Matilde and Sébastien

As previously mentionned on social media, Mathilde & Sébastien, two great friends of J.A.C.K., decided they would again, in 2018, support the chimpanzees of the DRC Sanctuary.

They indeed attended both the flea market that was organised in their village on May the 8th. Mathilde and Sébastien were lucky as it was a bright sunny day with mild temperatures! Visitors popped up and our two friends managed to sell items for about 70USD.

J.A.C.K. and its residents are extremely grateful for the support Mathilde and Sébastien bring yearly. They both take of take their time to spend a whole day on spreading awareness and on collecting funds for the  orphan chimpanzees of J.A.C.K. –  this is simply  A M A Z I N G !!!

Thank YOU so much for THEM!

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