Africa, Pasa, Dian & Maika
Africa, Pasa, Dian & Maika

Africa, Pasa, Dian & Maika

The Kivu Four are doing fine. Faustin left last week and the babies know now each member of our team.


Africa is the eldest of the Kivus and she really had no trouble at all in settling in. She has got wonderful hair, eats almost everyhting and is kind with everyone.


Pasa is the only male of the group. He has lost most of his hair which is now growing back.  He doesn’t like to eat much but drinks a lot of milk!


He wants people to stay with him constantly, is always seeking human contact and, at the beginning, he didn’t get on well with Dian, the youngest of the Kivus… They very often fought.


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Dian is the youngest. She has wonderful hair too and is very independent.


She doesn’t like to stay in the arms or to be hugged too often.


For the last few days, the three of them have had the opportunity to go and stay in the open air enclosure of our quarantine where they can play, climb up trees, hide in high grasses, etc.


top: Africa & Dian                               below: Pasa


But they aren’t alone as baby Maïka sometimes takes part in  these new games and enjoys staying with the Kivus.




Because of her very young age, Maïka still is with us at home but regularly goes to the project to be in touch with the others. Her place isn’t in our living room: she’s doing fine now and must learn to stay among others of her own kind…



Before I end, I wish to thank Chantal, our best friend and also our volunteer, for some of the nice pictures she shared with us on this blog.

Thanks also to all of you who are reading and supporting us. Don’t forget that your support is crucial to the development and for the evolution of the JACK Project,


6 commentaires

  1. Ping :nursery group badly sick… – J.A.C.K.

  2. Ping :Dian | J.A.C.K.

  3. paty france

    cela fait plaisir de les voir se déplacer dans la végétation, on pourrait presque les imaginer repartant dans leur habitat naturel. mais en attendant vous prenez bien soin d’eux, les plus agés comme les petits derniers.
    nous remercions toute votre équipe et bien sur les benevoles comme Chantal, répondant toujours présente quand il y a besoin.
    Nous esperons que pasa va bientot retrouver de beaux poils avec le traitement arrivé de la france.
    Bienvenue aux nouveaux poils

  4. Fran

    Every time I see Maika, I start giggling. What a sweet little bundle. I’m sure it won’t be long before Pasa discovers he loves food, like every chimp! They are all adorable. You are all doing such wonderful work!

  5. Theresa

    They are all precious! Thank you Roxane for the update on the little ones. They look like they are enjoying trees. How is the introduction of Kimo and Santa going? I look forward to seeing them out with the group soon. Keep up the great work!

  6. Christine C.

    Oh Roxane — they are so adorable, but clearly have been through much…poor Pasa, I wish I could come there and hug him all day long. Thank you a million times over for taking such great care of these babies and for the updates as well. 🙂

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