Kala out for a walk
Kala out for a walk

Kala out for a walk

Dear Friends of J.A.C.K.,


Many thanks to you all who have sent us your positive thoughts and recovery blessings for young Kala!  Know that your kind words encourage us keeping the fight against Kala’s health problems!


As mentioned previously, Kala doesn’t eat much and only wants to have fresh water. We can’t get him have rehydration salts, nor juice, no other liquids… water is the only drink he has and we are already very happy he has liquids in this way! Kala is in his nest most of the time, sleeping. Because of his inactivity, he has a bedsore on his left hip and we therfore try to add plenty of fresh leaves regularly to his nest to make him feel comfortable!


Since Kala refused to move, we decided to open him the gates yesterday so that he could have a walk through places he knows very well. At first, he didn’t want to move at all and nearly bit me when I took his hand. But then, when he saw me going through the gates and calling him, he walked very fast and followed me. I had a short walk because I could feel his weakness ( he has lost most of his muscles since isolation) But. Kala seemed happy and we were all happy too! We’ll try to make him go outside every day – it looks positive!


When going back to his quarantine quarters, he drank, and drank and drank…


A new treatment started yesterday.  We really hope some positive results will come out of it – let’s all cross our fingers! What I can already say is that walking with him outside had a benefic impact yesterday because he felt hungry and ate more than usual!


As long as we have power i’ll keep you updated.

Also, because many of you are asking what help they can give, I have added a « Kala » button (Paypal) on this website for the ones who wish to donate. Kala needs drugs but also fresh food like fruit and yoghurt imported from Europe. So, any donations are welcome!

Thank YOU for KALA!


Roxane/ J.A.C.K.




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