Tongo back with the others!
Tongo back with the others!

Tongo back with the others!

Yes, Everyone, good news for Tongo: we managed to introduce him back into the main group! 

After Tongo had had his last milk of his quarantine period (with Maman Angeline below), Maman Maguy and Papa Augustin struggled to get him out of his isolation cage.


Tongo doesn’t like to be hugged and is in some ways still quite wild. So, it wasn’t that easy to move him ….


Papa Augustin & Maman Maguy with Tongo


At the beginning, when seeing all the others,Tongo was very scared.


Tongo waiting in the presentation area before the others were allowed to come in

Fortunately, Kala, one of the males and good friends of Tongo, took the little one in his arms and calmed him down.


Then, Jane and Kina, two females, came in to fetch the baby and carried Tongo on their back as to say « OK, it’s enough! Let’s go now!! »


Tongo wasn’t put at once with the whole group.  We had previously decided which friends were to welcome Tongo first and all went fast and well!

At the end, when all the group was gathered, Seki took over Tongo’s protection and no other chimpanzee could even approach the new comer.


We at JACK are all glad to see the little one back into the main group!


Tongo on Seki’s back



8 commentaires

  1. paty (france)

    Notre pauvre petit Togo a l’air de reprendre un peu le dessus, mais il se souviendra de cette mésaventure car le petit bout du zizi ne va pas repousser !!!!!!!
    S’il a trouvé à present des protecteurs, la vie va etre plus simple pour lui.
    Je souhaite que ses blessures guerissent rapidement.
    mais je suis certaine que toute l’équipe fait du bon travail.
    c’est bien d’associer les soigneurs aux petits orphelins,nous sommes contents de les connaitre aussi.

  2. carole


    Très heureuse que les retrouvailles se soient parfaitement passées!

    Le petit Tongo avait de quoi être effrayé 🙂

    Voilà qui fini bien!

    J’avais hâte de savoir Tongo en sécurité parmis les siens, voilà qui fait!

    Merci Rox pour ces news!

  3. Theresa

    Great news Rooxane! Looks like Seki will be keeping a close eye on Tongo. I will pray there are no further altercations of that severity with the group.

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