Tongo, Wimbi, Jane, Seki and te others
Tongo, Wimbi, Jane, Seki and te others

Tongo, Wimbi, Jane, Seki and te others

Hi Everyone,

Let’s share this footage of little Tongo playing with Wimbi. It seems Tongo has found a new friend, a young male whose name means ‘cloud’ in the local Swahili language (=wimbi). This latter protects him all the time, carries him on his back…Only at night Tongo stays with Jane and shares his nest with her because Wimbi likes to have the nest for himself!

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Further on the footage, you’ll see the group and then Jane staying close to Seki and Kina, another young female that enjoys Seki’s company. Seki starts walking, Jane clings on him tightly but can’t stay too long with Seki because Tongo climbs onto Seki’s back…

These days are still extremely rainy, but all the chimps are doing all right….

Have a nice weekend,


8 commentaires

  1. paty france

    nous avons vu sur internet que Claudine André de lolo ya bonobo vous a rendu visite, quelle bonne initiative que le rapprochement entre les sanctuaires, car vous oeuvrez tous pour la meme cause aider à la sauvegarde des primates. J’espère que cette visite a été positive. dans les prochaines nouvelles tenez nous au courant du résultat de cette visite.
    quelle est l’attitude des autorités de RDC face aux événements qui touchent de plein fouet nos petits amis les chimpanzés, nous espérons qu’ils vous apportent de l’aide, entre autre, le katanga pourrait au moins vous mettre l’électricité.

  2. Theresa


    It is a bad story indeed. Maiko’s death is heartbreaking. I am so glad that you and Franck are taking the other chimps where they will be well cared for and loved. I have made a donation and will send more funds next week to help with the costs. I am happy Faustin will be there to help. What a wonderful helpmate to have. I will help with the fundraising by spreading the word to my friends and fellow chimp lovers. I hope it can generate significant revenue for JACK. I am so grateful to you and the staff for the care you give these precious animals!

  3. This is a bad story. Franck and I are extremely sad about Maïko’s death. And we do thank Sam, Faustin, the vets and the team of Goma for all the good work they do!
    The 3 other chimps will be flown soon to J.A.C.K. We have been working on improving our facilities so that Faustin and the three babies can be comfortable but, as both Sheryl and Christine mentionned, funds will be needed to give them all the best. Three babies at once represent a lot of work and a lot of expenses.I have just started a fundraising goal on the JACK Facebook Cause and I’ll soon write a post, but from here in Lubumbashi, when you are in the middle of no where, it is quite tough to start fundraisings…

  4. Christine C.

    Four chimps and Faustin too…wow! I am happy and sad all at the same time, but thrilled that you are able to take these babies. Thanks to all of you and PASA too…Sheryl is right we need to find a way to funnel more funds…I know I asked this question before, but do you have chimp adoption there? Vanessa at Lola Ya Bonobo, has been doing a phenomenal job getting support for their bonobos, seems that this same strategy could help JACK out enormously.

    Happy Valentine;s Day to you, Franke, the staff and all the chimps!

  5. Theresa

    I knew Tongo and Jane would be fine with a little time. I love that the chimps carry the little ones on their backs and protect them. This is great chimp behavior and shows how well they have made themselves a family. So good to see!

  6. Christine C.

    Roxane — I am so thrilled to see that Tongo and Jane have really integrated into their new family…how wonderful for them, and of course the staff at Jack. Seki really seems pretty gentle for an alpha male…perhaps we should call him Saint Seki…patron saint of lost chimps!

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