Day D-3 of our Great Apes Giving Day Fundraising event
Day D-3 of our Great Apes Giving Day Fundraising event

Day D-3 of our Great Apes Giving Day Fundraising event


D – 3

Every single DONATION keeps our chimp residents healthy and in good conditions. Now, if the chimps are happy, our team too is happy!


Dear friends, still 3 days to go before the Great Apes Giving Day event ends.

If you still want to be part of it and if you still haven’t donated, please, do so next Tuesday on October 4th…

Why October the 4th?

The last fundraising day will be like a race and prices will be given to the best fundraising teams. This means that the more J.A.C.K. gets donations on the 4th, the more chances the chimpanzees will have to win additional prices!!!

So, let’s meet next Tuesday for the last race for the residents of J.A.C.K. ! Donations can be done via:
– our fundraising page of the Great Apes Giving Day /

– our directly onto J.A.C.K. Paypal account on our website:

Thank YOU for your interest!
Thank YOU for THEM!


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