Thank Yous
Thank Yous

Thank Yous

Dear Friends of J.A.C.K.,

Baby  Ekolo & his friends wish to thank all the donors who kindly sent funds to our small Sanctuary last April via our Paypal account of this wildlife direct blog:  Patti C. (50 usd for Tommy & his mates), Oliver T. (25 usd), Amy M. (10 usd), Natalie W. (50 usd), Alain S. (70 usd), Cherie B. (50 usd) and Marc D. (30 usd). 2011.04 - thank you WD

Have you ever thought of offering the adoption of a baby chimpanzee as a wedding present?

Well, this wonderful idea comes from Grace B. who has actually offered friends Thomas & Marina the adoption of baby Tommy as a wedding present! Thank You, Grace, for your marvelous idea which I’m sure will please your friends because they were at J.A.C.K. a few months ago and they met Tommy…

Also, before we end, J.A.C.K. again and again wishes to thank its sponsors and Friends whose support is providing security and care to all the boarders of the Sanctuary.

CHI-CHI's sponsoring JACKCHI-CHI’s Tex Mex Restaurant & Bar has recently been of great help  in the DRC by means of the adoption of babies Maïka & Santa but also in Belgium where posters have been set in all the CHI-CHI’s restaurants spreading awareness on the survival of Chimpanzees in the DRC. Thank You so much, Mr Francis, Mr Cyrille and all the CHI-CHI’s Team, for this wonderful initiative which we hope will have a real impact on the survival of this endangered species….

THANK YOU ALL for your generosity and remember that your help is always greatly appreciated!


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